Posts Tagged ‘boredom repellant’

There was a fine line between right and wrong, until I snorted it. I need to develop some patience, immediately. I’ve never read an article of clothing. I mind my own business..and struck gold.

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You’ve heard about God creating the universe, seeing that it was good and all, but have you seen the mutants he’s been spawning of late? Are they God’s bloopers, manifestations of his sense of humour, does he have a day off and let jesus do some of the creating? If it’s the former then he […]

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space This blog should distract you from the mediocrity of existence for a good five hours. it distracted me for many more hours Choose your distraction: Quotes Hilarity is the best thing for all forms of “life-ache”, especially boredom. I have hand-picked the finest Demetri Martin, Mitch Hedberg & Jack Handey quotes for your amusement […]

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Some content on this page was disabled on September 28, 2021 as a result of a DMCA takedown notice from Jack Handey. You can learn more about the DMCA here:

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